Sunday, February 1, 2009

Thought Of The Day

Hang in there! No matter what you are going through, no matter where you've been or wish you could be, it's worth it to hang in there. No one needs to tell ya that these are uncertain times for many people. Hard times come. It's just the nature of life on the planet. However I have found that it's our attitude and frame of mind that will make all the difference in the degree of suffering we experience.

I don't know about you but I absolutely do not like to be uncomfortable. I don't like being cold, or sweaty, or hungry, worried, fearful, achy, sick, or especially hurting in my heart or soul. I find the grieving process especially distasteful and it often just really makes me mad. I used to fight against anything uncomfortable and that fighting got me nowhere. It was only after many years of 'wallowing in the mire' so to speak that I learned the power of positive thinking.

We always have a choice in our challenges. We can choose to lift up our chins and move forward with hope and faith. Even when we don't feel any hope or faith we can still fake it. And, as a wise therapist once told me, it's the faking it that makes it become real. If you feel hopeless, distraught, or despairing make a choice to lift up your heart or chin or bellie button if you want and be positive. Remember, faking it is not only okay but is often the only way you can do it. I tell you it truly helps. Things will get better for you. There is honestly true power in doing this. It truly shortens and lightens the discomfort of 'earthlife'. And when you can...start counting and giving thanks for all the things in your life that are good and wonderful. God bless you and hang in there.